
We are committed to the safety of our students. Please speak to the office staff regarding any allergy concerns.

School allergy information

Harmony Heights is a safe and healthy environment. Our school has implemented guidelines and policies that we ask all parents, students, and staff to review carefully. 

Some school community members are highly sensitive and cannot be in direct contact with the foods listed below.  This includes being in the same lunch or classroom.  To help ensure every child is safe, please do not send the following items for snack/lunch:

  • Peanuts
  • Nuts
  • Treenuts
  • Cashews
  • Sesame seeds

Harmony Heights recently adopted guidelines with respect to classroom celebrations and "homemade food items" as this practice poses a significant threat to our severely allergic students due to the possibility of cross-contamination.

Other allergens

Although this message focuses primarily on "nut product" items, we do have a number of students with severe allergies to other food items as well. The specific classrooms that these children are in will have additional information to assist in the planning for all families in those classes.

Classroom celebrations

We are offering families the following options for classroom celebrations:

  • Stickers, pencils, non-food treats (most ideal option)
  • If it is absolutely necessary to send a food item (i.e. cupcakes), ONLY pre-packaged, store-bought items that carry the Peanut AND Nut Free symbol are to be sent in (see sample label below).
  • It is imperative that the classroom teacher has acknowledged that you are sending in the special event item and approved this request.
  • For the sake of student safety, many classrooms have a 'no treat' sharing policy and all families are asked to respect this policy.
  • Drop your item off at the office only. This will allow us to ensure that the item is appropriate and approved for the classroom.

WOW Butter

The Durham Region Health Department has advised our staff that this product is not recommended for schools. Here is an excerpt from the DRHD statement:

Most of Ontario's public health nutritionists have agreed that although it (WOW butter) doesn't pose an allergy threat by the ingredients, it does pose an allergy threat by looking and smelling like peanut butter. Children could easily mistake this product for peanut butter and tell their parents that the school is now allowing peanut butter. It would be very difficult - and potentially dangerous - for schools to monitor the use of this product. As such, the DRHD cannot recommend this product for use in Durham schools.

Scent Aware

Please be scent-aware.  Some members of our school community have extreme sensitivities to certain smells and scents. Please refrain from wearing excessive cologne or perfume/body sprays/lotions when entering our school.