About Us

Harmony Heights Public School is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 school located in central Oshawa, Ontario The school was built in 1983 and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008. The student population is approximately 295, who live within walking distance of the school. Harmony Heights has 20 teachers and 8 educational assistants, 1 Special Education Resource teacher, 2 Early Childhood Educators and a part time Library Resource teacher. Included in the student population is 2 PLP classes,  and 2 full day kindergarten classes.

Harmony Heights has established a reputation for being a student-centered environment. Our curriculum emphasizes high standards of literacy and numeracy which reflect the Ontario Curriculum. We offer students an opportunity to participate in many activities which enrich the quality of education they receive on a daily basis. Parents participate in the learning environment that is provided for all students before, during and after school.

Our goal is to enable every student to achieve success in school and to translate that success into a rich, responsible and purposeful life. We strive to provide a well-balanced program that stresses cognitive, affective and psychomotor development; we incorporate a wide variety of teaching strategies; we strive for excellence and creativity; we attempt to instill relevancy into the curriculum; we embed character education throughout the curriculum, and we continue to develop an interesting, stimulating and educational environment. Students in our intermediate division have the opportunity to participate in student government through the Student Council and a variety of leadership opportunities. We encourage all of our students to get involved and commit to their school community.

Mission statement

Building our future’s potential today!